Daily Social 以美食集市为灵感,成就现代时尚设计。餐厅供应自助餐和自选菜品,提供亚洲时尚菜品、时令海鲜、精致甜点、地方风味美食和特色饮品。
Cai Yue Xuan 餐厅设有优雅大堂和 18 间包厢,以成都漆器餐盘装点,为您呈献新鲜食材烹制的 24 节气当地川菜和经典粤菜。
Soo Noodles 餐厅为旅行者提供具有浓厚当地特色的美食,即使短暂停留便匆匆而去,您也可以感受到当地美食的非凡风格。欢迎面食爱好者莅临体验我们的“深夜食堂”。
Guests can enjoy a selection of delicious snacks, sample Sheraton selection coffee, specialty beer and local tea, or take them home if you like our products.
In a unique and intimate setting, The Bar offers a selection of whiskies, wines, specialty beers and creative cocktails from all over the world, with regular wine tastings.
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